We all Need that – Motivation
We all may be independent, satisfied, successful in life but sometimes we all need that…Extra support, Extra love and above all …few words of MOTIVATION
- Life can never be a smooth road for anyone, we will surely have many ups and downs.The best way to handle them is – Smile and move on.
- We know its tough but if we want to be out of any bad situation, we have to think about solution, we have to think about what next.
- Learn from your mistakes and appreciate your success. We know ourself best. We hardly appreciate anyone, including ourself. Start appreciating yourself often (even for small things) for good place you selected for dinner, for helping your kids, for anything and everything, this will surely boost our confidence and at the end of the day we will have a reason to SMILE.
- When we feel low, try out this simple activity – start writing down 3 positive things happened to you in a day – it can be anything and sometimes it will be very hard to find out one, but keep trying. Gradually we will feel better and we will have plenty of things to decide between best one. Best time to do this activity is before bed – we will feel lighter next day morning.
- Silence is a best way to avoid many problems. Learn to conquer your anger and always take decisions when we are in peace. Avoid any discussion or conversation when we are upset and stressed, we will end up screwing it more..
- MOTIVATE yourself, motivate others on regular basis. We don’t know how powerful these words are until we start using them. We will see changes around you once we sue them often. We all are busy in finding faults in others. Just give a try once, start appreciating and we will see that how magically things will change.
- Its not that eating right, working out in gym will give us a healthy life. To have a healthy body we must possess healthy MIND too..we need to be positive. Everything is interlinked and we need to take care of it..
- Make sure you take out time for yourself in your busy schedule. Spend time with yourself.
- Take out 5 min for yourself and if possible meditate on regular basis. In Starting meditation will be tough but gradually we can focus and we will feel refreshed and relaxed after it.
- Few simple changes in life really helps us to improve, to be happy. Instead of trying to see the negative and bad side of everything, try to explore better side, we may find happiness just next door.
Check out video about list of Motivational words
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