Kids Educational Course

Health Education for Kids & Teens​

Childhood obesity is rising and it is important to take action on it.

Whether it is about healthy eating or active living, our children are living In scarcity of knowledge about it.

It is important to create awareness and educate children about healthy living from a tender age so that they can learn life long habits and live a healthy and happy life.

Even though we have food in abundance for our children, poor eating habits and lack of knowledge is leading them towards unhealthy life and prone to diseases.

We need to create an environment and culture that supports children’s healthy lifestyle behaviours.

We all dream of academic success for our children. But how does a healthy lifestyle make this dream a reality? Nutrition affects cognitive skills, being active affects behaviour, and sleeping well affects overall well being, which all have an impact on academic performance.

Children & teens can access this course under parent supervision. This course is designed in simple words and illustrations to help them understand about simple ways to follow healthy living by following balanced eating, ways to be active and giving importance to sleep.

Going through this short course will be helpful to understand the importance of healthy living and how it can improve their academic performance too.

Stay healthy, Stay happy.